Jesse Damiani (The Huffington Post) provides in his article Storytelling in Virtual Reality: The Basics an easily comprehensible breakdown of not only the components of virtual reality, but also how it can be used as an impactful storytelling method. He links to interesting VR examples and brings in various theories including reader-response criticism, the idea of point-of-view versus perspective, and empathy.
Last Week’s NISBER
Excellent roundup of our involvement in last week’s #NISBER @EJCenter: “Daniel Archer (@archcomix), Founder of Empathetic Media, showcased some of their projects and explained how, through VR and 360, they put the viewers in “other people’s shoes and foster a connection between audience and storytellers”. For example, the Michael Brown Shooting project allows the user to become an eyewitness of the events occurred in … Read More
We are feat. in Cornell Tech: Challenges and Possibilities of Virtual Reality Startups
Dan Archer, founder of Brooklyn-based Empathetic Media, which creates virtual reality content to enhance understanding of real-life events, said the technology is best suited for casual experiences that last about five minutes. This way, viewers can choose which parts of the story appeal the most and choose other entry points into the story. “Simply put, it’s the difference between being … Read More
IVOH: Meet Dan Archer, 2016 Restorative Narrative fellow and a pioneer of Virtual Reality journalism
Muñoz: Tell us about your story and where you’re at in your reporting process. Archer: The project is comprised of three immersive experiences from all three sides of the Colombian conflict (civilians, ex-FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) guerrillas and paramilitaries), as former enemies share their true stories of why they enlisted, their involvement in the conflict and their subsequent demobilization. The … Read More
First Empathetic Media Newsletter
We are very happy to announce that our first newsletter, which was sent out a week ago, went down a treat. Thank you very much for the great feedback and support. For those of you, who haven’t already subscribed to our newsletter, you find the link under “contact us”. Here is our latest one. Welcome to the first Empathetic Media Newsletter! … Read More
Experimental 3D Environment and Character Scanning
Below are screenshots from current projects that incorporate our experimentation with the latest 3D scanning technology. Click on the images for a larger view.
Ferguson Firsthand debuts on Oculus Rift: A timeline
We at Empathetic Media have been hard at work since last December, when we launched our first desktop virtual reality model of Canfield Green Apartments with Fusion, a joint venture between Univision Communications Inc. and the Disney/ABC Television Network. The original model in the video below allowed users to explore the contrasting perspectives of the eyewitnesses in 3D virtual space using the Unity … Read More