Testing the canfield green apartments virtual reality prototype

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After two months of hard work, we have been able to test our first virtual reality prototype of Canfield Green Apartments, the site of the shooting of Michael Brown.


Our prototype consisted of a desktop virtual reality model that “pinged” eyewitness re-creations to mobile devices as users accessed the various beacons within the model. During testing we asked our users a series of questions to measure their experiences with the model’s navigation, concept, design, and content.


The feedback we received ranged from from general thoughts on the interface and navigation to extremely specific observations about our content. We have summarized some of our testing results below:

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[/one_half][one_half last=”no”]…[/one_half]One of the most interesting things we found is that our users preferred an all-in-one desktop experience, as opposed to one they could come back to and access in different ways on their mobile devices.

We also found that navigation was difficult for some people, and we are looking at adding a map to the user interface. Additionally, we are going to speed up the user’s “walking” speed within the apartment complex, so they can access beacons faster.


Check out this video to see some of the testing event for yourself.




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